2024 SWSCC Suppliers Day Sponsors



Platinum Sponsor - $10,000
• Signage/Recognition at After Party
• Logo and website link included on all marketing emails to attendees prior to the show
• Full page ad in Exhibitor Guide on website
• Multi blocks on the Step and Repeat Banners
• Large Banner of sponsors logo hanging at entrance of event
• Options for after-party recognition (e-mail Chrissy)
• 1st Choice of booth assignment


Gold Sponsor - $5,000
• Logo and website link included on all marketing emails to attendees prior to the show
• Half page ad in Exhibitor Guide on website
• Multi blocks on the Step and Repeat Banner
• After Platinum Sponsor Choice, Gold Sponsors get second choice of booth assignments

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Silver Sponsor - $2,500
• Logo and website link included on all marketing emails to attendees prior to the show
• Quarter page ad in Exhibitor Guide on website
• Logo appears on the entrance Step and Repeat Banner
Silicones_Plus_logo_Trademark_300dpi.jpg          ARC.png       Brenntag.png

Bronze Sponsor - $1000
• Logo appears on the entrance Step and Repeat Banner

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Lunch Sponsors - $750
• Signage in lunch area
• Recognition on website
• 4th quarter recognition logo in the SWSCC newsletter

     BlackLabel   CeutiReg_Stacked_Logo_PNG-nodash.png Bloomage.png




Margarita Machine or Beer Station Sponsor - $500
• Signage at beverage stations
• Recognition on website
• 4th quarter recognition logo in the SWSCC newsletter


Refreshment Station (Tea/Coffee/Water) - $300
• Signage at beverage stations
• Recognition on website
• 4th quarter recognition logo in the SWSCC newsletter

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Event Properties

Event Date September 25, 2024
Event End Date August 04, 2024
Cut off date August 01, 2024